> Junk
47" Tapeworm
7th Place Fishing Trophy
A Footman's Copper Coin
A Gnome Effigy
A Gold Tooth
A Head Rag
A Peasant's Silver Coin
A Steamy Romance Novel
A Steamy Romance Novel: Forbidden Love
A Steamy Romance Novel: Northern Exposure
A Thoroughly Read Copy of "Nat Pagle's Extreme' Anglin."
A Wooden Leg
Acid-Drenched Fangs
Aegwynn's Silver Coin
Aged Horn
Alleria's Silver Coin
Alonsus Faol's Copper Coin
An Exotic Cookbook
An Unopened Tome of Advice
Ancient Armor Fragment
Ancient Tablet
Ansirem's Copper Coin
Antonidas' Silver Coin
Arcanist Doan's Silver Coin
Armored Chitin
Aromatic Basilisk Skin
Articulated Talon
Attumen's Copper Coin
Autographed Picture of Tigule
Azuredeep Shards
Banded Stone
Barbed Fang
Barbed Leg
Basilisk Heart
Basilisk Liver
Basilisk Scale
Bat Ear
Bat Heart
Battered Scale
Bear Gall Bladder
Bear Jaw
Bear Organ
Beaten Talon
Bent Antenna
Bent Basilisk Fang
Bent Flayer Talon
Bent House Key
Bent Ivory Tusk
Black Dragon Claw
Blank Slate
Blighted Fungus
Blood Soaked Tail
Blood-Gorged Thorn
Bloody Bear Paw
Bloody Fang
Bloody Spider Fang
Bright Crocolisk Eye
Bright Eyeball
Brilliant Feather
Brilliant Scale
Bristly Whisker
Brittle Horn
Brittle Molting
Brittle Skull
Broken Antler
Broken Arrow
Broken Basilisk Teeth
Broken Bat Fang
Broken Boar Tusk
Broken Electro-lantern
Broken Elemental Bracer
Broken Fang
Broken Heavy Throwing Dagger
Broken Obsidian Club
Broken Silithid Chitin
Broken Small Throwing Knife
Broken U.L.O.S.E Button
Broken Weapon
Broken Wishbone
Bubbling Green Ichor
Bug Eye
Burning Pitch
Buzzard Beak
Buzzard Feather
Buzzard Talon
Cat Figurine
Cat Hair
Caustic Claw
Chimera Leather
Chipped Bear Tooth
Chipped Boar Tusk
Chipped Claw
Chipped Gorilla Tooth
Chipped Ravager Carapace
Chipped Ravager Claw
Clean Fishbones
Clubbed Tail
Coagulated Slime
Coarse Bear Tail
Coarse Gorilla Hair
Coarse Snuff
Colorful Rock
Colossal Jaws
Compound Eye
Condensed Mana Fragment
Conductive Shards
Connective Tissue
Corroded Skull
Cracked Bill
Cracked Boar Tusk
Cracked Diamond
Cracked Dragonmaw Helmet
Cracked Egg Shells
Cracked Horn
Cracked Pottery
Cracked Ravager Carapace
Cracked Ravager Claw
Cracked Ravager Fang
Cracked Stone Shard
Crackling Crystals
Crafted Star
Creeping Moss
Crimson Lotus
Crooked Cog
Crude Eating Utensils
Crushed Elemental Bracer
Crusted Bandages
Crystal Fragments
Crystal Pylon User's Manual
Crystalized Stone
Crystalized Stone Chips
Crystalline Fragments
Crystalline Tear of Loyalty
Crystallized Mana Shard
Crystallized Note
Crystallized Tear
Curved Basilisk Claw
Curved Raptor Talon
Curved Yellow Bill
Damaged Rock Flayer Talon
Danath's Copper Coin
Dancing Spinner
Dark Iron Baby Booties
Dazzling Sapphire Pendant
Dead Barnacle
Death Cap Fungus
Decomposed Boot
Decorative Brass Bell
Deed to Thandol Span
Defective Gear
Delicate Feather
Delicate Insect Wing
Delicate Ribcage
Demonic Capacitor
Dented Hoof
Destroyed Magic Item
Dire Wolf Fang
Dirt Stained Rags
Dirt-covered Fur
Dirty Trogg Cloth
Discolored Fang
Dissolved Soul Essence
Diving Log
Document from Boomstick Imports
Dornaa's Shiny Copper Coin
Dragon's Fang
Dragon's Tooth
Dried Bat Blood
Dried Scorpid Carapace
Dripping Spider Mandible
Drop of Slime
Drowned Rat
Dry Hardened Barnacle
Dry Scorpid Eye
Dull Pebble
Efflorescing Shards
Eitrigg's Copper Coin
Elder Raptor Feathers
Electrified Scale
Elegant Writing Tool
Elemental Fragment
Elemental Husk
Elemental Shard
Elling Trias' Copper Coin
Empty Barrel
Empty Dew Gland
Empty Rum Bottle
Empty Venom Sac
Encrusted Basilisk Skin
Enormous Jaws
Envenomed Fang
Envenomed Scorpid Stinger
Expired Voodoo Power Core
False Documents
Falstad Wildhammer's Copper Coin
Familiar Claw
Familiar Fang
Familiar Hide
Fandral Staghelm's Silver Coin
Fantasy Portrait
Fat-Stained Fur
Featherbeard's Map
Feathery Wing
Fetid Ichor
Fiery Gland
Fine Sand
Fire-Scorched Claw
Flame-Drenched Canine
Flash-Frozen Flower
Flecked Raptor Scale
Folded Handkerchief
Forest Spider Webbing
Forked Tongue
Fractured Canine
Fractured Carapace
Fractured Elemental Bracer
Frayed Abomination Stitching
Frosted Claw
Frosty Mushroom
Frosty Spinneret
Fur Clothing Scraps
Gelatinous Goo
Genn's Copper Coin
Geodesic Fragments
Give to the Church and the Light Will Provide
Glimmering Scale
Glittery Pebble
Glossy Pebble
Glowing Pebble
Glowing Runestone
Glowing Spores
Glue Material
Gluey Basilisk Tear
Gnarled Claw
Gnarled Ravager Carapace
Gnarled Ravager Fang
Gnoll Spittle
Goblin Gentleman's Magazine
Gold-capped Troll Tusk
Goldenscale Vendorfish
Gordok Chew Toy
Gory Snout
Green Sparkly
Grime-encrusted Scale
Grooved Fang
Ground Gear
Half-Wilted Flower
Hard Spider Leg Tip
Hardened Carapace
Hardened Claw
Hardened Flipper
Haute Club Membership Card
Heavy Scorpid Leg
Heavy Silithid Husk
Hefty Barrel
High Tinker Mekkatorque's Silver Coin
Hoary Crystals
Hollow Fang
Hollow Wing Bone
Hook Disgorger
Hoop Earring
Huge Jaws
Husk Fragment
Ice-Piercing Thorn
Icicle Claw
Icicle Fang
Icy Fang
Icy Hoof
Icy Spinneret
Imbued Leaf
Immaculate Fin
Indurate Claw
Inert Elemental Flake
Inert Elemental Fragment
Inert Elemental Grain
Inert Elemental Granule
Inert Elemental Particle
Inert Elemental Piece
Inert Elemental Scintilla
Inert Elemental Shard
Inigo's Copper Coin
Insect Nociceptor Sample
Intact Basilisk Spine
Interesting Rock
Iridescent Eye
Iridescent Scale
Ivory Boar Tusk
Jagged Blue Crystal
Jagged Piece of Stone
Jagged Red Crystal
Journal Page
Keen Raptor Tooth
Keening Stone
Khadgar's Silver Coin
King Anasterian Sunstrider's Silver Coin
King Terenas Menethil's Silver Coin
King Varian Wrynn's Silver Coin
Krasus' Copper Coin
Kryll's Copper Coin
Landro Longshot's Copper Coin
Large Basilisk Tail
Large Bat Fang
Large Bear Tooth
Large Boar Tusk
Large Slimy Bone
Large Trophy Paw
Lasher Blossom
Lead Ore
Legal Documents
Legends of the Gurubashi, Volume 3
Letter from the Front
Lifeless Skull
Lifeless Stone
Limb Segment
Long Soft Tail
Looped Tusk
Luminescent Globe
Maiev Shadowsong's Silver Coin
Mangled Flipper
Mangled Snout
Mariner's Log
Mark of the Syndicate
Mastiff Jawbone
Matted Fur
Medivh's Silver Coin
Melted Candle
Mesmerizing Flower
Mind-Soothing Bauble
Mirrored Scale
Misshapen Foot
Molok's Copper Coin
Molted Feather
Moon-Crescent Necklace
Mordacious Talon
Multistable Perceiver
Muradin Bronzebeard's Silver Coin
Murky's Copper Coin
Musings of the High General
Mutated Petal
Mutated Vine
Mysterious Unhatched Egg
Nameless Vestigial Organ
Nat Pagle's Guide to Extreme Anglin'
New Age Painting
News From The North
Nolkai's Band
Noxious Scorpid Stinger
Old "Pirate" Map
Old Boot
Ordinary Pebble
Overgyrated Gear
Padded Lining
Partially Digested Meat
Partially Rusted File
Patch of Fine Fur
Pearly Horn
Pearly Molar
Pearly Seashell Fragment
Pet Rock
Pinioning Pincer
Plucked Feather
Pointy Crocolisk Tooth
Pointy Thorn
Poisoned Spider Fang
Polished Skull
Porcelain Bell
Pound of Flesh
Pretty Pebble
Priestly Preening: Be Like Your Betters
Primordial Core
Primordial Essence
Primordial Infusion
Prince Magni Bronzebeard's Silver Coin
Princess Calia Menethil's Copper Coin
Prismatic Basilisk Scale
Prismatic Stone Chip
Pristine Raptor Skull
Pristine Ravager Carapace
Pristine Ravager Claw
Pristine Talon
Private Marcus Jonathan's Copper Coin
Punctured Dew Gland
Punctured Shell Fragment
Pustulant Moss
Ragged Down
Rancid Moss
Raptor Liver
Raptor Talon
Raptor War Feather
Razor Claw
Razor Sharp Fang
Razor Thorn
Razor-sharp Beak
Red Whelp Scale
Rending Fang
Rending Talon
Rent Carapace
Reptile Egg
Resilient Tail Hair
Retractable Claw
Revolting Flower
Revolting Ichor
Richly Appointed Pipe
Rigid Basilisk Fang
Rigid Spinneret
Ripped Fin
Ripped Moth Wing
Ripped Note
Ripped Wing Webbing
Ripsaw Fang
Roasted Basilisk Skin
Rock Chip
Rotted Sentimental Paintings
Rotting Bear Carcass
Rough Crocolisk Scale
Rough Vulture Feathers
Rubicund Scale
Ruffled Feather
Ruined Bear Skull
Ruined Embersilk Scraps
Ruined Metal Parts
Ruined Pelt
Runic Crystal
Sabertooth Fang
Sack of Grain
Salandria's Shiny Copper Coin
Salivary Gland Pair
Savage Talon
Scaly Tissue
Scarred Scale
Scavenged Animal Parts
Scintillating Crystals
Scintillating Stone Shard
Seeping Gizzard
Semi-Precious Blue Stone
Sericeous Down
Serrated Fang
Serrated Petal
Serrated Pincer
Severed Bat Claw
Severed Boar Tusk
Severed Claw
Severed Flipper
Severed Talon
Shadow Circuit
Shadowcat Hide
Shark Bait
Sharp Canine
Sharpened Raptor Talon
Shattered Log
Shattered Necklace
Shattered Rock Fragments
Shattered Stone
Shed Fur
Shed Lizard Skin
Shimmering Basilisk Skin
Shimmering Claw
Shimmering Shards
Shiny Polished Stone
Shiny Seashell
Shredded Wyrm Wing
Sickly Fish
Silky Plumage
Slime-Drenched Scale
Slimy Bone
Slimy Ichor
Small Bat Skull
Small Claw
Small Leather Collar
Small Mushroom
Small Raptor Tooth
Small Scorpid Claw
Smooth Fur
Smooth Pebble
Smooth Raptor Skin
Smooth Stone Chip
Snapped Spider Limb
Soft Patch of Fur
Solid Gold Coin
Sparkly Necklace
Sparkly Raptor War Feather
Speckled Shell Fragment
Spider Hair
Spider Palp
Spiked Leg
Spined Bat Wing
Spiny Carapace
Spiral Fang
Splintered Spider Fang
Spoiled Reagents
Sprung Sprocket
Sprung Whirlygig
Squashed Tail
Squire Rowe's Copper Coin
Squishy Basilisk Eye
Stalvan's Copper Coin
Steam Pump Debris
Sticky Ichor
Stinking Fur
Stormhammer Head
Strange Crystal
Stretched Segments
Stripped Sprocket
Stuffed Shark Head
Stumpy Foot
Swamp Moss
Swatch of Gorilla Hair
Tangled Fishing Line
Tattered Cloth
Tear Stained Handkerchief
Terrorshaft Arrow
The Big Big Book o' Beards
Thick Carapace
Thick Fur Clothing Scraps
Thick Furry Mane
Thick Kodo Hair
Thick Scaly Tail
Thick Spider Hair
Thick Tail Hair
Thick Wolfhide
Thin Black Claw
Thorium Powder
Thorny Vine
Three-Pronged Blivet
Tinted Rock
Tiny Fang
Tomb Dust
Toothless Gear
Torn Cartilage
Torn Furry Ear
Torn Robes
Tower Key
Translucent Ectoplasm
Translucent Scale
Trenchant Fang
Troll Sweat
Trophy Raptor Skull
Tuft of Gorilla Hair
Turning the Other Cheek
Twitching Leg
Undelivered Love Letter
Unwarmed Shoes
Vargoth's Copper Coin
Velociraptor Skull
Vereesa's Copper Coin
Vial of Tears
Vibrant Feather
Vibrant Petals
Vicious Fang
Vicious Scorpid Claw
Vorpal Claw
Vulture Talon
Water Snail
Water Soaked Letter
Wet Sand
Whale Statue
Whizzed-Out Gizmo
Wicked Claw
Wildhammer Book of Verse
Wilted Flower
Wilted Petal
Wiry Tail Hair
Wispy Tail Hair
Worn Hoof
Worthless Piece of Green Glass
Worthless Piece of Orange Glass
Worthless Piece of Red Glass
Worthless Piece of Violet Glass
Worthless Piece of White Glass
Wretched Ichor