> Off-hand Frills
10 Pound Mud Snapper
12 Pound Mud Snapper
15 Pound Mud Snapper
15 Pound Salmon
17 Pound Catfish
18 Pound Salmon
19 Pound Catfish
22 Pound Catfish
22 Pound Salmon
25 Pound Salmon
26 Pound Catfish
29 Pound Salmon
32 Pound Catfish
34 Pound Redgill
37 Pound Redgill
42 Pound Redgill
45 Pound Redgill
49 Pound Redgill
70 Pound Mightfish
85 Pound Mightfish
92 Pound Mightfish
Abjurer's Crystal
Aboriginal Rod
Ancestral Orb
Antipodean Rod
Arachnidian Branch
Arcane Star
Archmage Orb
Astral Orb
Astralaan Orb
Aurora Sphere
Basilisk Bone
Battle Tome
Beacon of Hope
Beaded Orb
Beautiful Wildflowers
Black Rose
Blackwolf Crystal
Bleeding Eye
Bloodwoven Rod
Blue Sparkler
Bone-Inlaid Sarcophagus Key
Bonecaster's Star
Book of Blood
Book of Clever Tricks
Book of Origination
Book of Stars
Book of Survival
Bouquet of Black Roses
Bouquet of White Roses
Branch of Sinful Reprieve
Bright Sphere
Buccaneer's Orb
Carved Rod
Coldarra Crystal
Conjurer's Sphere
Consortium Crystal
Councillor's Scepter
Darkened Scepter
Darkmist Orb
Darkmoon Flower
Demon-Skull Orb
Disciple's Stein
Divine Companion
Draenei Crystal Rod
Dreamseeker Dandelion
Dungeoneering Guide
Durable Rod
Duskwoven Branch
Elder's Amber Stave
Eldr'naan Scepter
Elegant Scepter
Elemental Ember
Elementalist Star
Embersilk Stave
Enormous Barbed Gill Trout
Eternal Rod
Evergreen Branch
Faces of Doom
Facetted Orb
Fire Eater's Guide
Fireproof Orb
Frostbridge Orb
Gaea's Scepter
Geomancer's Rod
Gilded Scepter
Glistening Star
Gossamer Rod
Greenweave Branch
Heartbound Tome
Hellfire Tome
Hibernal Sphere
High Councillor's Scepter
Highborne Star
Huge Spotted Feltail
Ice Crystal
Icy Orb
Imperial Red Scepter
Iron-bound Tome
Ivy Orb
Journeyman's Stave
Lapidis Tankard of Tidesippe
Laughing Skull Orb
Lidless Orb
Lord Rottington's Pressed Wisp Book
Lord Sakrasis' Scepter
Lunar Sphere
Manual of Clouds
Master's Rod
Mereldar Crystal
Mirkfallon Crystal
Mistscape Stave
Mistyreed Torch
Moonbrook Crystal
Mystic Tome
Mystic's Sphere
Mystical Orb
Native Branch
Nethander Crystal
Nightsky Orb
Northern Star
Opulent Scepter
Orb of Mistmantle
Orb of Power
Ornate Drinking Stein
Pagan Rod
Petrified Camel Haunch
Polished Orb
Prison Manifest
Pulsating Hydra Heart
Raincaller Scepter
Red Rose
Red Sparkler
Red Wine Glass
Reflecting Sphere
Regal Star
Resplendent Orb
Ritual Stein
Rituals of the New Moon
Rituals of the New Moon
Rituals of the New Moon
Rituals of the New Moon
Rod of Molten Fire
Royal Guide of Escape Routes
Royal Scepter
Runic Cane
Runic Stave
Sage's Stave
Sanguine Star
Satyr's Rod
Seer's Fine Stein
Shadow Council Orb
Shimmering Stave
Silksand Star
Silver-thread Rod
Simple Branch
Simple Wildflowers
Sishir Crystal
Slavehandler Rod
Sorcerer Sphere
Spellbinder Orb
Stonecloth Branch
Stormbound Tome
Stratholme Lily
Strength of Will
Supplicant's Rod
Swampchill Fetish
Swamplight Crystal
Thistlefur Branch
Thondroril Crystal
Tome of Kings
Tome of the Dawn
Tuurik Torch
Twilight Orb
Twilight Tome
Umbral Crystal
Venomshroud Orb
Vital Orb
Watcher's Star
White Sparkler
Willow Branch
Windchaser Orb
Wine Glass